Leading the way in Women’s Health research

We’re proud to be carrying out leading research in women’s health within our local community in the West Midlands, as well as working with international partners and conducting trials globally. Our experts work together with members of the public to ensure our research is guided by women’s voices. The impact of our findings is being felt worldwide, with guidelines changed, quality of lives improved, and women’s lives saved.

Our research is changing clinical practice

NICE published new surgical standards for ovarian cancer

Surgeons at work

University of Birmingham research has informed new guidelines on surgery which will improve the survival chances of women with ovarian cancer.

NICE updates missed miscarriage guidelines, following Birmingham Trial

Pregnant woman holding tummy with both hands

Advice on which drugs should be given to women and birthing people who have experienced a missed miscarriage has recently been updated.

Our women's health researchers are making a difference

Healthy Mum, Healthy Baby, Healthy Future – One year on, what progress have we made?

Mother and Baby

Professor Katie Morris explains why there is an urgent need for action to address the underserved area of medicines use in pregnancy.


How biological differences between men and women alter immune responses - and affect women's health

Mother and Baby

Dr Helen McGettrick and Professor Asif Iqbal write for The Conversation about how the additional X chromosome gives women a stronger immune response to infection but, in turn, a greater chance of developing immune-mediated inflammatory disease.

Our research is improving treatment and care for women

Eating for two? Leave weight advice to the experts during pregnancy

Woman chopping vegetables on a chopping board

New analysis of almost 100 studies suggests pregnant women better supported by trained dietitians to control weight gain during pregnancy.


NHS Cancer Programme funding will see an advanced test used at GP surgeries in the West Midlands to diagnose early-stage ovarian cancer.

Lifesaving solution dramatically reduces severe bleeding after childbirth

How can we reduce the risk of women around the world dying during childbirth?

Our research teams are involving members of the public

Including women's voices in research

Professor Sara Kenyon and Mashkura Begum, discuss the importance of building trust and understanding with members of the public who help to design, deliver and share our research.

Building a network of public contributors

Professor Shakila Thangaratinam and Sadia Haqnawaz share experiences of encouraging patient and public involvement and engagement around the world, highlighting the value of listening to what is important to women.

Find out more about the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health

Find out more about the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research

Also in 'College of Medicine and Health'